Friday, March 30, 2007

March 2007 update

How’s that…another update in less than 6 months…we’re on a roll!!!

I just want to start off with a little word picture from Ezekial 47…a paraphrase of sorts…
‘along the river bank (the river coming from the throne room of God…and the river representing the Spirit of God) he saw a great number of trees. Their roots went into the water and they flourished and grew. Their leaves would not wither, their fruit would not fail and every month they would bear fresh fruit. The river ran its course down the mountain and into the Dead Sea, and as it entered the stagnant waters of that Sea, the water became fresh, the fish came alive and swarms of living creatures came to live around its shore. All of this ‘because the water from the sanctuary flows to them’.

I came across that awhile ago, but it has really encouraged me as time has gone on. I love the truth that as God lives his life through us, we become channels of the Life of God, bringing fresh water where there is stagnation….bringing Life to stagnant or dead places. And it is all His doing.

Where we find ourselves at the moment with the church is in the middle of walking through the process of choosing new elders/leadership. This has been an important step as there has been an underlying mistrust with the leadership for years. This has allowed the church and the nominating team to pray through and allow God to bring to the surface those who God is laying on the hearts of the team to lead into the future with fresh vision and renewed trust. Drew has been guiding them through the question of what biblical eldership is which has allowed a greater understanding that this isn’t a title, but a calling and a gifting. We have a little ways to walk with this yet, but we continue to walk amidst the many challenges this has presented. Maybe we’ll see it in our lifetime, maybe not, but we trust we are those channels in which the Spirit of God would bring fresh water into stagnation and LIFE would flourish. Challenging yet exciting.

On another note, we have had a blast with James Thiessen and his buddy Warren from Camrose. They have been refreshing to have around during a tricky time. We offered to pay them to stay, but unfortunately our budget only allowed $10 a week! Don’t think that’s enticing enough!! Anyone else want to take up our offer?!

Another highlight for us was when Drew and I were given a very generous gift to meet my family in Hawaii for a week at the end of January. It was so good to see them and be in the same air space, but the week went by too quickly! I think I started going through separation anxiety by Wednesday!! It was such a gift…and Drew was able to celebrate his 30th over there. Good times.

Nothing else really to add, I guess, except it has been nice that the weather has cooled off to a balmy 28 degrees! Nice time of the year to visit. Is anyone getting the hint?

Missing everyone a lot,Drew and Leanne
Our 4x4ing trip with James, Warren and Tracey (Reick) to O'Reilly's

Fun and games with Drew, Warren and James at O'Reilly's
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Leanne's family in Hawaii...just missing nephew Hudson
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Leanne and her parents in Hawaii
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Leanne's brother Darron and nephew Parker

Drew, Dalen and Leanne's Dad...some events of Drew's 30th in Hawaii
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