Sunday, December 17, 2006

Where to begin?! We have heard a few people ask if we have dropped off the edge of the world…and I guess sometimes it has honestly felt like that to us! What a journey. But first of all, our apologies for taking so long to do any updates….(you’d understand why if you were walking in our shoes these past many months!) I guess this last year in our lives, in many areas where our time has been spent it seems we take 2 steps forward and 4 steps back. We ourselves sometimes don’t know where to begin even in our thoughts!!

On the practical side of things, Leanne continues working at Allsports Physiotherapy Clinic in Brisbane 2 days a week and has just begun to build up some clients to treat at home. She is now just starting to get back into selling her artwork at local markets again.
Drew continues his mobile business of plastic welding and vinyl and leather repair 3 days a week and spends the rest of the time in study and catching up with people. He also takes on Futsal…indoor soccer which has been really good.

We are somewhat amazed at the stark similarity between the land and its people here. There is a crisis of water here with reports saying that it is the worst drought on record. The land is desperate for rain. The people in many ways are not much different in the sense that the spiritual climate is really dry as well. Both are in need of a miracle from God to produce life and know LIFE. We know we don’t have anything of ourselves to give (very much evident again throughout our time here!!) and know that if anything is going to happen here, we need God to do that in people’s hearts. This is in general, but very much true for the church here in Boonah as well.

It has been good to have Dan and Tracey and the kids here and helping them settle into life in Australia. It takes quite an adjustment to get used to things here and the way things are said and done.

Quick highlights in the last month or so:
Celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary last month.
The arrival of little Bryce Marcos, a new nephew for us (Tanya and Dalen’s)
Celebrating Drew’s Dad’s 60th birthday on board a houseboat for 4 days in Victoria
Trevor and Julia McFadden visiting from Canada
The opening of a little place in Boonah that sells gelatti!!
Phil and Roxann Baquie are out visiting family about an hour from us until the end of the year. It has been refreshing to catch up with them!

Just leaving you with a thought I was encouraged with this past week…
‘In most spheres of life the effects of what we do decrease with time and distance. But that which derives from the activity of God within us gets deeper and stronger, richer and broader in its effects and repercussions. That is why your life, lived under the authority of Jesus Christ, empowered by his Holy Spirit, will always be significant.’ ~Charles Price (Alive in Christ)


Blogger Take 2 said...

Hey guys!!!!!!!!

We think about you guys all the time and continue to pray for your life in Aussie land. God has an incredible plan and we know He will continue to carry you and walk you through His plan for your lives.

Wish we were closer so we could give you a big hug and have a chat but know that we love and support ya.

Dan and Dana

9:56 PM  
Blogger toomanywhatifs said...


7:40 AM  

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