Sunday, December 02, 2007

December 2007 Update

December 1st....the first day of summer over here and I'm just about to put up our Christmas tree. A thought that is still at times challenging to reconcile for this northern hemisphere girl! But it also means that another big event in our lives is just around the corner as well. On Monday the countdown is on for another 3 weeks before we meet the new edition to our lives! Time sure flies. If we cross your minds in these next few weeks, we'd love you to pray for us as we prepare for this day.

I guess the end of the year is bringing a lot of changes to our lives and we just thought we'd do a quick little update (as we are so good at keeping up with them!)

It'll be nearly 2 years since we have been pastoring at the Boonah Church of Christ and at the end of the year, we will be stepping down from that role. As some of you know, we were hired for a role to in a sense, be 're-potters' take on those who had a heart for relevant ministry into each others lives and the lives we cross day in and day out and do something out of the box. Circumstances ended up very different from that and due to various reasons, we ended up having to shoulder a rather challenging soul searching time for the existing congregation. Without going into too much detail in summing it up, we found ourselves being the catalyst for change within this church which brings with it some very challenging and sometimes heartbreaking situations. Through this past year, Drew lead through a transition in the process of a new eldership which has been hard but healthy. It has been somewhat encouraging as we have seen only in the last few months a very different spirit about the place and a lot more freedom...yet there is quite a long way to go. As a result, we've felt our role in this capacity has come to a close and we are in the process of hiring an intentional interim pastor to take on bringing the church through issues that we pray will bring the church to even greater freedom. It is amazing how things from up to 20 years ago (in this case) can hinder a body of believers from really moving forward and we hope to see this year that the interim pastor is here to be a time of deliberate ministry and healing into those areas. There is so much potential in this little town and we'd love to see people really grasp hold of their freedom in Christ and live that for their community...and bring a bit of heaven to earth! We read just recently 1 Corinthians 1:6...'The evidence of Christ has been clearly verified in your lives.' That's our prayer for us, for this community...and for you!!

Just to relate two encouraging stories from this past year, as it is good for our hearts to couple recently shared with us how they have really come to see people who aren't in the church as great people and potentially great friends...rather than sectioning them off as 'the lost' and leaving a wide berth around them.
Another woman who's husband recently opened his heart to God has been bringing his family to church. This woman was very adament that she wasn't a Christian...she didn't talk like them, speak like them, etc. One Sunday, God really nailed her as she realized it wasn't on her credibility or ability, but God's. This woman really found such freedom realizing that she was free to be who she was and how God created her and just live in freedom in a relationship with wasn't about external appearance, but an internal heart change that is with a covenant keeping God. He keeps the covenant, knowing we can't. Our dependance is on's all his doing. Great stuff.

That leaves us with the question that has been asked a lot of us. What next?

Drew will continue with working and growing the business he's been working at 3-4 days a week throughout being 'part-time' with the church. We are really thankful for this outlet as we move into a new season in life. It has been a great avenue for Drew to really connect with people outside of the church. Recently we went to see a family who through this working connection have really come back to God in a big way. Pretty exciting to be a part of.

I guess in all of this we won't be taking on anything too quickly and just want to enter into parenting without our attention being divided in too many directions. Life has been busy and its good to slow down a bit and refocus! We want to embrace this new role with open arms and in the meantime, allow our hearts to refresh...and whatever God brings along our paths, we want to be open to. There is potential to still do something 'out of the box' in this little town, but we'll wait and see what God unfolds.

In other thoughts...we recently had some time off and headed down the coast about 4 hours to a gorgeous little place called Coff's Harbour for some much needed rest. Since we've been in Australia, it has been very much in one of the worst droughts they've experienced. poured day and night except for the first day and last day we were there! I guess it really forced us to slow down!! After experiencing this drought though, it didn't bother us at all. We still got in a few beach walks even though I had hoped for a bit more!!

We are also looking forward to my parents arriving in Australia on the 12th and spending the next few months in our area. They've been offered a place to house sit in our town for some people we know during this time which gives them so much freedom and sleep (I'm told a newborn is nocturnal!!).

Anyhow...we think of you all often and hope you are well. Don't be afraid to update us either, or come for a visit!
Drew and Leanne


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